MARCH 8 & 9, 2025

World's Fair Exhibition Hall

Begins In:











 Welcome to Fanboy Expo ATG&C Cosplay Contest!

We are excited to implement some exciting changes to help improve our cosplay contest for all Fanboy Expo events, starting with this March event.

Pre-Show Sign Ups!

This year we will be introducing preshow sign ups to help make the process faster and more efficient. This will streamline the information and who will be entering. If you don’t pre-sign up, there will still be time to sign up at the event, but pre-sign ups guarantee you a spot and an early place in the lineup. Please follow the link on this page to pre sign up. Please note, you will still need to check in at the 30 & Nerdy Cosplay Booth before the contest.

More Chances to WIN!!

There will be a chance to win more prizes and increase your chances at the prizes too. Below, you will see the three new categories, expanding the solos to a differed age gap. We are also opening up the opportunity for any solo entrants to enter into the duo / teams genre too. In the past, you had to choose to enter individually or as a duo / team. This year, we are allowing a chance to find allies and opportunities challenge for duos / teams too. For instance, if you pre-sign up for a solo, and you arrive and find a partner; then enter the two of you into the duos too.


Under 18 Soloist

Over 18 Solosist

Duos / Teams – Teams may consist of 3 – 6 contestants

Under 18 Soloist
? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place
18+ Soloist
? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place
Duos / Teams
? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Place

Overall Awards

The Cos-Crafter Award
The Tennessee Legend Distillery (TLD)

Cos-Crafter Award can only be won by a soloist entry that made 75% or more of their costume or armor on their own.

The 30&Nerdy Encore Award

The 30&Nerdy Encore Award will be awarded to a contestant that outshines in character and performance. This can be given to an individual of any age in solos or a specific contestant that stands out duo / teams. So come out and really live up the characters you create and build; no matter if it is an established character or an original character.

The Fanboy Expo Cosplayer of The Con Award

The Fanboy Expo Cosplayer of The Con Award goes to the soloist that showed out in all ways and all took it to the limit and maybe even beyond.

We are thrilled to have you join us and look forward to the best cosplay line up of all
time! If you have any questions, please email us at or


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